New Furnace? There is a lot to think about.

New Furnace? There Is A Lot To Think About. by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical For most of us replacing our furnace can be a bit overwhelming. There are many important things to be aware of so here are a few tips to make it more manageable. What kind of furnace...

Don’t ignore your Sump pump!

by Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical Maybe the most important and overlooked part of your plumbing system in your home is the Sump pump. If it is not maintained or inoperative you may be looking at serious damage to your home. Lets get to know our Sump pump, how it...

The Benefits of Two Stage Cooling

By Ben Wanner of Pro Service Mechanical When given the option of a single stage or two stage air conditioner many homeowners will ask “what is the difference?” or “why do I need two stage cooling?” To understand the benefit we need to understand how it works. A single...